Page 35 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 35

Harun Yahya
                                 (Adnan Oktar)

                  Anyone realizing the wealth of biodiversity on Earth

               needs to ask an important question: How did such a variety
               of life emerge?
                  This question has always given evolutionists a major
               headache, and will always continue to do so. Writing a so-
               called evolutionary scenario for even a single species is a
               major problem for Darwinism, and the evolution of millions
               of species is an irresolvable one. People who set aside pre-

               conceptions on the other hand, clearly un-
               derstand that all living species came into be-
               ing by the wish and creation of God, Lord of
               the worlds. This is the sole explanation for
               the magnificent diversity of species, and
               looking for any other is a waste of time.

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