Page 37 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 37
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
The distribution of Earth's biodiversity is not fully
known. One fact observed so far is a general increase in the
number of species as one descends from the poles towards
the equator. Nothing more definite can be said, mainly be-
cause countless ecosystems, on both land and in the sea, are
still waiting to be studied. Many regions on Earth have still
not been comprehensively examined.
Places particularly rich in terms of species are known as
hot spots, and found generally in tropical regions and is-
lands. The organization called Conservation International
has stated that while land-dwelling life forms comprise on-
ly 1.4% of life on Earth, some 25 hot spots contain roughly
half of all land-dwelling species. 17
Researches in the World of Science
In the 250 years since the publication of Systema
Naturae, a book by Carl Linnaeus, who is one of the most
eminent names in the history of science, some 1.75 million
species have been named and described—again, only a
very small part of the world's total number of species. But
these species named by researchers have not yet been col-
lected under a single scientific index. As yet, there is no list
containing all the known animals, plants, fungi and micro-
organisms. 18