Page 41 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 41

The Latest Situation

                  How much do we know about the variety of life on
               Earth as a result of high-budget and wide-ranging studies in
               the early 21 century?
                  Important answers to these questions will once again re-
               veal that biodiversity is an incomparable marvel of creation.
                  Scientists all agree that we  still have a long way to go.
               As Professor Wilson has put it, "only a tiny fraction of bio-

               diversity on Earth has been explored." 25  Professor Peter
               Raven, director of the Missouri Botanical Garden, empha-
               sizes that, "the task is one of enormous importance." 26
                  Remember, some 1.75 million known species have yet to
               be set out and classified according to scientific criteria. As
               stated by Professor Minelli, "There are serious problems, in-

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