Page 44 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 44
The Error of the Evolution
of Species
species pool, and we do not know how specific species are
to a particular habitat, type of soil, type of forest, or, in
some cases, a species of tree. 31
To summarize, the distribution, densities, positions in
their habitats and levels of genetic variety of most named
species are not yet known for certain. Furthermore, the
great majority of existing species have not yet been de-
scribed. Despite all our efforts, we know only a very small
part of the magnificent variety of life on Earth.
As you shall see in the chapters that follow, this mag-
nificent richness of species definitively refutes the theory of
evolution, which claims that living things came into being
as the result of chance, and proves one single fact in a way
that permits no doubt: Creation.
The glorious richness of life on
Earth is the result of a very special
creation that belongs only to God,
the Almighty and Omniscient. His
creation of all things is revealed in
various verses: