Page 39 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 39
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
order to obtain more information about species throughout
the world. This research is regarded as one of the most
important developments in 21 century science. Diana Wall,
a professor at Colorado State University and Director of the
International Biodiversity Observation Year Management
Board, summarizes the importance of this research:
Scientists have described about 1.75 million species, but we
estimate that there are over 12 million species still to be de-
scribed. For 99% of species we simply don't have good in-
formation on their distribution, abundance, whether they
are plentiful or endangered, or their role in providing
goods and services that we get from ecosystems, such as re-
newal of soil fertility, decomposition of waste and purifi-
cation of water…
Exploring biodiversity will unlock many benefits, through
discovery of new genes and chemicals that can be used for
drugs, to improve crops, or to restore polluted land.
Perhaps even more importantly, learning where species
are, their role in maintaining healthy ecosystems, and how
we can conserve them will be vital for making more in-
formed decisions about our land, rivers and oceans. 22
A new study initiated in this field is the All Species proj-
ect. Eminent biodiversity experts such as Edward Wilson
and Peter Raven are involved in this project, whose aim is
to name and describe all species, and to prepare an Internet