Page 72 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 72
The Error of the Evolution
of Species
tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me sick!" These same dif-
ficulties are also faced by his followers. In short, the variety
of life on the reefs, animals with incomparable features and
the prefect harmony among species represents a nightmare
for Darwinists. To wake up from that nightmare, they need
to admit that God created the reef fish with their stunning
colors and appearances.
People who keep marine aquariums as a hobby know
how very difficult it is to feed tropical reef fish and corals.
The main reason is the need to constantly replicate these
creatures' reef habitats. In a marine aquarium, the salinity,
temperature, pH level, light, oxygen level and chemical
combinations in the water need to be kept in balance. Such
corals and fish in are prone to be affected by even small
changes in their aquarium environments. The organisms will
die unless the ideal conditions are maintained and con-
stantly regulated by technological equipment.
Now, bearing in mind the difficulty of running a marine
aquarium containing just a few species of coral and fish:
Could the tens of thousands of species living on the coral
reefs have come into being spontaneously, or by chance?
Could their striking colors, impressive hunting and defense
systems, unique body structures, sense organs, systems and
genetic information be the work of coincidence? Could the
reef environment—in which the plants, animals, plankton