Page 77 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 77

Harun Yahya
                                 (Adnan Oktar)

               surface. The activities they carry out are equally astonishing.

               These bacteria feed on rocks, and in doing so, perform an-
               other task of the greatest importance to all living things,
               making a major contribution to the flow of elements and
               chemical substances in the oceans. Note that these single-
               celled organisms do something, so important to life on
               Earth, that even the entire world's laboratories and scientists
               could not manage were they to join forces.

                  Another ecosystem on the ocean floor is found around
               hydrothermal vents, where superheated water containing
               various minerals emerges from cracks in the Earth's crust.
               More than 300 unique species have so far been discovered
               living in close proximity around these springs, which were
               discovered only in the past 20 years. This environment is
               home to large tube worms several meters in length and cov-
               ered in bright red hairs, giant oysters, mussels, squid and in-
               vertebrates with all kinds of different appearances.

               Understandably, it has attracted great interest from re-
               searchers. In the search to answer how these creatures find
               food, astonishing facts have emerged.
                  The tube worm found in the ecosystem around these
               hydrothermal vents is very different from the other worms
               we are familiar with: It has no mouth or digestive system! It
               meets its nutritional needs thanks to the bacteria that live in-

               side its tissues—a total of 285 billion bacteria per ounce of

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