Page 79 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 79
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
deepest oceans has also been created with a structure ap-
propriate to its hostile environment. Moreover, the mecha-
nisms in these creatures' cells are many times more complex
than the systems in research submarines. Structures so com-
plex cannot, as evolution claims, have come into being by
chance. The variety of living things in the depths of the
oceans, and their superior characteristics, belong to God,
the Creator of all things.
Bacterial Ecology
When life is mentioned, plant and animal species gen-
erally come to mind. Some people even imagine that life
consists solely of these. However, another living group
which—despite being too small to be seen with the naked
eye—constitutes 25% to 50% of all living species on the
Research has demonstrated the astonishingly rich species diversity
that exists several thousands of meters down in the oceans,
where it was once believed that there was no life at all.