Page 81 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 81
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
will be described in later sections.) They can be found just
about everywhere. Thousands of species of bacteria exist
in ice caps, hydrothermal vents, environments with high
levels of salinity or acid, amid chemical contaminants or
pollutants, in the organs and tissues of animals and human
beings, in the depths of the seas where there is little or no
oxygen, and in the deep layers of the Earth.
For example, the intestines of a healthy human being
are an ecosystem containing 400 different species of bacte-
ria, organisms that play a very important role in the regular
functioning of the intestines. 82
Bacteria are part of a group that exhibits the greatest di-
versity among living things. but about which the least is
known. Their diversity is far beyond the grasp of even 21 st
century technology. You could say that a gram of soil con-
taining thousands of species of bacteria and billions of indi-
viduals resemble a rain forest at the microscopic level. In
other words, an extraordinary diversity similar to a rain for-
est's can also be found in a handful of earth under the mi-
To date, scientific studies aimed at determining bacteria
and microbe species are very much fewer than actually
needed. It is difficult to investigate these organisms for a
number of reasons: Most species of bacteria cannot be