Page 84 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 84
The Error of the Evolution
of Species
slightest confusion. There is only one explanation: Every de-
tail regarding bacteria, from the exceedingly complex activ-
ities they perform (such as the photosynthesis performed by
cyanobacteria) to the numbers of their individuals and
species, is as wished and determined by God, Who created
them. God knows and plans where, when and in what
numbers they need to be, and makes them a vehicle in the
regulation of the balances on Earth and in forming environ-
ments suited to human life.
When the genetic structures of bacteria—which look identical to one
another even under the microscope—were examined, it was realized
that these actually constituted very different species. As the
Northwestern University microbiologist David Stahl expressed it,
these bacteria can be as different from one another as a brown bear
is from an oak tree.