Page 89 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 89
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
now until the end of the world. We know that, because our
very lives and our economies are dependent upon biodi-
versity. If biodiversity is reduced sufficiently, and we do
not know the disaster point, there will no longer be any
conscious beings. With them will go all value—economic
and otherwise. 94
We can witness the benefits we obtain from the plant an-
imal species around us every day. However, there are also
countless living things we cannot see with the naked eye,
or which we know nothing about. Professor Paul Ehrlich
makes the following comment:
... the basic point is that organisms, most of which are ob-
scure to nonbiologists, play roles in ecological systems that
are essential to civilization. 95
Advances in technology have revealed a number of facts
concerning the importance of the diversity on Earth. Many
living things that were previously regarded as unimportant
or useless provide human beings with new blessings. For
example, a peculiar-looking marine worm contains chemi-
cal substances used in the treatment of sick people. Or con-
sider the recently discovered bacteria species that promise
great benefits for humanity. For example, one species of
bacteria found in the Potomac River in the USA can break
down the chlorofluorocarbon gasses that damage the ozone