Page 93 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 93
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
series of coincidences; they were created and placed at our
service by our Lord, the infinitely bountiful.
This chapter shall examine the outlines of a very small
part of the blessings bestowed on us by the richness of
species; and in this way, answer to some extent the ques-
tion of why there exists such magnificent diversity on Earth.
1)The Plants and Animals that are
Our Food Sources
We must eat and drink to stay alive—that's how we ob-
tain the proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins,
minerals and fluids essential to the many processes taking
place in our trillions of cells. The striking point here is that
eating is not difficult, troublesome or inconvenient, but a
function we enjoy. We derive great pleasure from the tastes
of the matchless foods, drinks, fruits, vegetables, cakes,
sweets and pastries that meet our daily nutritional require-
ments. Try to recall all the delicious foods and drinks you
have tasted up to now. The fruit juices you drink to quench
your thirst, the melons or watermelons you eat in the heat
of summer, the lamb chops or fish cooked on a barbeque,
ice cream, chocolate, pastries, rice pudding, ravioli, straw-
berry cake, rice, honey...