Page 88 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 88
The Error of the Evolution
of Species
of Natural Sciences, describes how what living things give
us is truly priceless:
... the presence of a great number of species with different
structures, different chemical compositions, and different
lifespan form one of the most important bases of life for hu-
mans throughout our planet. 91
The well-known Stanford University Professor of
Biology Paul Ehrlich expresses the same idea in these
... microorganisms, plants, and animals play in providing
free ecosystem services, without which society in its present
form could not persist. 92
Paul Raven, a professor of biology and expert on biodi-
versity, describes how living things play a vital role in mak-
ing the Earth a planet fit for human life:
Human existence depends inextricably on other life forms.
All humans need Earth's flora, fauna, and microorgan-
isms for sustenance, materials, energy, and even the air
they breathe. 93
Professor Bryan Norton of South Florida University
refers to the value of the species richness on Earth:
The value of biodiversity is the value of everything there is.
It is the summed value of all the GNPs of all countries from