Page 80 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 80

The Error of the Evolution
                                                 of Species

                       Despite such adverse conditions as high pressure, low temperatures
                       and scarce food resources, various animals, different-colored crus-
                       tacean and micro-organisms thrive in the dark ocean depths.

                       Earth: micro-organisms. 79
                          Bacteria represent the most important portion of these
                       micro-organisms. These may be spherical, rod-like or spiral
                       in shape. Most are smaller than 0.001 millimeters
                       (0.00003937 inch) in size, so small that hundreds of thou-
                       sands could fit into the period at the end of this sentence. 80

                          Every ecosystem and all living species depend, either di-
                       rectly or indirectly, on the activities of bacteria. (Their es-
                       sential importance to the delicate balances of life on Earth

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