Page 74 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 74
The Error of the Evolution
of Species
stances raining down from higher up. In short, the environ-
ment is completely different from what humans are familiar
with. Despite all these inhospitable conditions, however,
various fish and very different invertebrate creatures and mi-
cro-organisms still thrive in the ocean depths.
Temperature, pressure, the density of foodstuffs and
light levels vary according to the further down from the sur-
face one descends. Yet living things with structures and sys-
tems suited to their environment are found at all depths.
Down there are fish, mussels, sea lilies, sponges, crus-
taceans, shrimps, crabs, arthropods, octopuses, ink fish,
worms with spiny bodies, starfish, sea urchins, jellyfish, lob-
sters, single-celled organisms and organisms whose names
can be encountered only in advanced biology texts and can
be seen only in nature documentaries, all of them unique to
the ocean depths.
Frederick Grassle and Nancy Maciolek, well-known
American marine ecologists, say there may be 10 million
species beneath the sea, 67 and an astonishing wealth of
species several thousand meters beneath the surface, in an
environment previously believed to contain no life at all.
Based on his research, Grassle, Director of the Rutgers
University Marine and Coastal Research Institute, makes the
following comment: