Page 40 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 40

                        TRUE WISDOM DESCRIBED IN THE QUR'AN

                luxuriant plants of every kind to grow in it, thus offer-
                ing an insight and a reminder unto every human being
                who turns to Allah. (Surah Qaf: 6-8)
               As the above verses recall, Allah advises people to apply
            their minds to thinking clearly, analyzing situations rightly, and
            thus seeing realities. However, it shouldn’t be forgotten that the
            ability to focus our attention as mentioned in the Qur’an is a
            quality evinced only by people of wisdom. We are told in the
            Qur’an that only the wise reflect on and take the advice of the
            teachings of the Qur’an:
                … But only people of understanding pay heed. (Surah
                Al ‘Imran: 7)
                It is a Book We have sent down to you, full of blessing,
                so let people of understanding ponder upon its Signs
                and take heed. (Surah Sad: 29)
               So, people of wisdom who focus their attention as the Qur’an
            instructs can see the whole of reality. They grasp primarily that
            there is no god other than Allah, that He is the owner of the
            whole universe, and that the Hereafter is a definite reality.
               As we dwelt upon previously, a clear conscience and close at-
            tention manifest themselves at all times in a wise person’s life.
            Knowing that Allah created everything for a reason, that every-
            thing they experience and every utterance they hear are parts of
            the test created for them, and that they’re responsible for all the
            things they’re faced with, sharpens their attention. As a result,
            they can sense a developing threat in their environment and
            take the appropriate measures before anyone else. In the same
            way, they can instantly determine a positive development by
            paying close attention.
               It is true that intelligence also provides people with a certain
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