Page 36 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 36

                        TRUE WISDOM DESCRIBED IN THE QUR'AN

               However, it is definitely not possible to bind effective speak-
            ing to any rules. On the contrary, truly effective speaking is not
            linked to any rules and is not memorized, rather it is a "sincere
            speech", which comes from the heart, without any difficulties,
            and without artificiality. And only people of wisdom possess
            this type of perfection in speech. The one who speaks with wis-
            dom leaves a deep impression on the hearts of his listeners with
            the sincerity of his words.
               One who is far from religion can make a good speech on a
            topic within his area of expertise with proper emphasis and by
            following the rules of speech. However, we shouldn’t forget that
            the qualities mentioned do not reflect any wisdom in this
            speech. For a speech have wisdom, it has to be sincere and leave
            a deep impression on the hearts of the listeners. A wise person is
            someone who can explain what he wants in the most genuine
            and sincere way, with the most striking examples. In one verse,
            Allah points out the importance of wisdom by stating that He
            has given this quality to the Prophet Dawud (as):
                We made his kingdom strong and gave him wisdom
                and decisive speech. (Surah Sad: 20)
               As is seen in the verse, along with giving wisdom as a virtue,
            "decisive speech" is also mentioned. To attain such a blessing
            one doesn’t need to have any special talent or expend any ex-
            traordinary effort. It is given by Allah to those who have faith
            and are sincere.
               However, wisdom is not something that manifests itself only
            in speech. It is evinced also in a wise person’s mannerisms and
            decisions, and in the analyses he makes. It is declared in the
            Qur’an that this important superior quality is given to many of
            the Prophets:
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