Page 38 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 38

                        TRUE WISDOM DESCRIBED IN THE QUR'AN

            the Qur’an as their guide and use their wisdom toward its ends.
            The Qur’an is Allah’s just book. As a consequence, people who
            obey the Qur’an will definitely tread the most righteous path.
               This ability of wise people makes for superiority and ease in
            every part of their lives. Above all else, they can analyse in de-
            tail the character of the people they meet. As a result they can
            easily determine their friends and enemies. By taking the char-
            acters Allah introduces in the Qur'an as their guide, they can un-
            derstand others’ characters in a very short period. Moreover,
            their ability to realize at the outset which events are in their
            favour and take precautions accordingly is a great advantage to
            them. Also, it is those with wisdom who can appreciate the
            beauties of the people around them, the details of which gener-
            ally go unappreciated and the signs of wisdom they demon-
               Another important quality of wise people that merit atten-
            tion, is that they do not need to make lengthy observations or
            gather detailed information before making correct assumptions.
            Awise person’s chief quality is his ability to arrive at correct
            conclusions with as little evidence as is needed and in the
            briefest possible time.
               Awise person can determine whether a person is lying by his
            mannerisms at that time, by inconsistencies in his speech, by his
            efforts to explain the situation in detail, by his restless behav-
            iour, and many other factors depending on the situation. A per-
            son lacking wisdom will fully trust a person who is lying and
            even talk about his honesty. Because of this, he can go into a
            partnership with the dishonest person and suffer materially and
            spiritually as a consequence.
               The reason why people lacking wisdom draw wrong conclu-
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