Page 33 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 33

                         What Wisdom Brings With It

         justness, tolerance, and forgiveness among many other virtues.
         And a wise person is successful in displaying all of these quali-
         ties in the best possible way, in every situation he or she faces.
         He knows that the more care he takes in evincing these qualities,
         the better Allah will recompense him in the Hereafter.
           For this reason, a wise person acts according to his conscience
         in situations he faces every day. For example, he helps someone
         in need without leaving the responsibility to others. He carries
         out all the good things he knows that Allah will approve of,
         without missing any of them. Or he helps someone who is trying
         to carry a heavy object instead of sitting and watching him.
         Whenever he sees someone who is elderly or sick on a bus, he
         prefers to stand and give his seat to that person. Otherwise he
         knows that he will be uncaring and this is something Allah will
         not approve of. Even when he faces a situation that angers him,
         he knows that Allah will prefer him to act with kindness, so he
         overcomes his anger and responds to the person concerned with
         kind words. He is always honest, even when he knows that it
         will be of disadvantage to him.
           One, who displays all the above qualities in the best possible
         way till the end of his life using the full power of his mind, lives
         a good life in this world. Moreover, because he was aiming to
         please Allah with his behaviour, he will be rewarded with
         Heaven are elaborated upon in the following verses:
             But as for those who believe and do right actions, We
             will not let the wage of good-doers go to waste. They
             will have Gardens of Eden with rivers flowing under
             them. They will be adorned in them with bracelets
             made of gold and wear green garments made of the
             finest silk and rich brocade, reclining there on couches
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