Page 30 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 30
What of him who spends the night hours in prayer,
prostrating himself or standing up, mindful of the
Hereafter, hoping for the mercy of his Lord? Say: "Are
they equal—the wise and the ignorant?" It is only the
wise who pay heed. (Surat az-Zumar: 9)
Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the
sky which penetrates the earth to emerge as springs
and then by it brings forth crops of varying colours,
which then wither and you see them turning yellow
and then He makes them into broken stubble? There is
a reminder in that for people of understanding. (Surat
az-Zumar: 21)
He gives wisdom to whoever He wills and he who has
been given wisdom has been given a great good. But no
one pays heed but people of understanding. (Surat al-
Baqara: 269)
It is He Who sent down the Book to you from Him:
chapters containing clear judgements—they are the
core of the Book—and others which are open to inter-
pretation. Those with disbelief in their hearts follow
what is open to interpretation, desiring conflict, by
seeking its inner meaning. No one knows its inner
meaning but Allah. Those firmly grounded in knowl-
edge say, "We believe in it. All of it is from our Lord".
But only people of understanding pay heed. (Surah Al
‘Imran: 7)
You who believe! Do not make friends with any but
your own people. They will do anything to harm you.
They love what causes you distress. Their hatred is evi-
dent from their utterances, but what their breasts hide