Page 29 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 29

                               About Wisdom...

             will be gathered to Him. It is He Who ordains life and
             death and He Who alternates the night and day. So will
             you not use your reason? (Surat al-Mu’minun: 79-80)
             He has made an example for you from among your-
             selves. Do you have any partners for what We have pro-
             vided you with among those whom your right hands
             control? Do you [feel] the same in such a case so that
             you fear [these servants] just as you fear one another?
             In that way We make Our Signs clear for people who
             use their reason. (Surat ar-Rum: 28)
             Did I not chase you, tribe of Adam, never to worship
             Satan, who truly is an outright enemy to you, but to
             worship Me? That was surely the right path. Yet he has
             led huge numbers of you into error. Why did you not
             use your reason? (Surah Ya Sin: 60-62)
             It was He Who created you from earth, then from a drop
             of sperm, then from an alaq [embryo], then He brings
             you out as infants into the world, you may achieve full
             manhood, then decline into old age—though some of
             you may die before that time—so that you may reach a
             predetermined age and grow in wisdom. (Surah Ghafir:
             Those who obey to their Lord will receive the best. But as
             for those who disobey Him, even if they owned every-
             thing on the earth and the same again with it, they would
             gladly offer it as their ransom. They will receive an evil
             Reckoning. Their abode will be Hell. What an evil rest-
             ing-place! Is he who knows that what has been sent down
             to you from your Lord is the truth like him who is blind?
             It is only the wise who pay heed. (Surat ar-Ra‘d: 18-19)
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