Page 24 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 24

                        TRUE WISDOM DESCRIBED IN THE QUR'AN

               Foremost among the knowledge he acquires, is the real
            meaning of this world. One with a clear mind knows from the
            Qur’an that Allah has created this world as a transient place to
            test humankind. He can clearly see that the world has been cre-
            ated attractive and adorned with pretty things on purpose, and
            that some people lose themselves among these things and forget
            their true life, which is the Hereafter. But the believer himself, as
            he can arrive at the reality of any situation through the Qur’an,
            prepares for the Hereafter.
               It is the wise who can truly grasp the truth about death. A
            person with wisdom, even though he may be the richest, the
            most attractive, and the most esteemed, knows that being so
            will not be of any help to him when he dies one day. But, he also
            realizes that death is not an end but rather a beginning. People
            who lead their lives according to Allah’s will will go to Heaven
            and those who get carried away with worldly life and forget
            their responsibilities toward  Allah will end up in Hell.
            Furthermore, he recognizes that Heaven is infinite and far supe-
            rior to this life which does not exceed 80-90 years and is full of
            shortcomings. For this reason, he sees death as the beginning of
            an infinite life where he will be united with Allah’s mercy, rather
            than as an annihilation that brings sadness. This knowledge
            also allows him to fully comprehend the reality of the Hereafter.
               Something else these people with the clear conscience stem-
            ming from wisdom can comprehend is the reality of fate. They
            know that Allah, the possessor of infinite wisdom, has created
            everything on earth, small or big, with a purpose and divine
            reason. Even if they face an event, which at first sight seems un-
            favourable, they never forget that every cloud has a silver lining
            and that Allah is merely testing them. Because they can grasp
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