Page 28 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 28
of the date palm and the grapevine you derive both in-
toxicants and wholesome food. There is certainly a
Sign in that for people who use their reason. (Surat an-
Nahl: 65-67)
In the earth there are diverse regions side by side: and
vineyards and cornfields, and palm-trees sharing one
root and others with individual roots, all watered with
the same water. Yet We make some things better to eat
than others. There are Signs in that for people who use
their reason. (Surat ar-Ra‘d: 4)
Among His Signs are the creation of the heavens and
earth and the variety of your languages and colours.
There are certainly Signs in that for every being.
Among His Signs are your sleep by night and your
seeking after His bounty by day. There are certainly
Signs in that for all mankind. Yet another of His Signs
is the lightning, a source of fear and eager hope. He
sends down water from the sky, bringing the dead
earth back to life by it. There are certainly Signs in that
for people who use their reason. (Surat ar-Rum: 22-24)
It is He Who sends down water from the sky. From it
you drink and from it come the shrubs among which
you graze your herds. And by it He makes crops grow
for you and olives and dates and grapes and fruit of
every kind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people
who reflect. He has made night and day subservient to
you, and the sun and moon and stars, all subject to His
command. There are certainly Signs in that for people
who use their reason. (Surat an-Nahl: 10-12)
It was He Who dispersed you about the earth and you