Page 19 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 19

                               About Wisdom...

         edge except what You have taught us. You are the All-
         Knowing, the All-Wise’". (Surat al-Baqara: 32) in the Qur’an
         conveys the utterance befitting the wise who appreciate that
         Allah is the possessor of real wisdom.

           As we mentioned in the previous chapters, anyone who fol-
         lows his conscience can easily distinguish right from wrong. But
         there are those who try to suppress their conscience, even
         though they can hear it and know that it is telling them the truth.
         Eventually in this situation, people who don’t listen to their con-
         science become unable to distinguish right from wrong. They
         don’t think of Allah’s greatness and their own vulnerability;
         they assume that they have acquired the qualities Allah has
         given them all by themselves and they become haughty.
           For the sake of argument, let’s take a scientist who has dis-
         covered the unknown secrets of space or the human body with
         the intelligence and skill Allah has given him. If this scientist
         doesn’t use his wisdom, doesn’t think of who created this fault-
         less order in the universe and the human body, he cannot pos-
         sess real conscience and comprehension. Instead of appreciating
         the perfection in the phenomenon he has discovered and turn-
         ing towards Allah and praising Him, he becomes proud of him-
         self and seeks admiration. In the Qur’an Allah tells us that such
         people who take their whims and desires to be their god have
         their hearts sealed as a result:
             Have you seen him who takes his whims and desires to
             be his god—whom Allah has misguided knowingly,
             sealing up his hearing and his heart and placing a
             blindfold over his eyes? Who then will guide him after
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