Page 14 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 14
isdom has been variously defined throughout the
ages. However, none of these numerous definitions
W have been enough to provide people with the real
meaning of wisdom. This is because information seekers have
not consulted an accurate source but tried to assess wisdom by
their own reasoning. As we mentioned previously, the source
from which we can get information on wisdom is the Qur’an, as
revealed by Allah, Who possesses infinite wisdom.
Anyone who fears Allah and obeys the Qur’an is wise.
However, most people are not aware that they can easily pos-
sess such a blessing. As they assume that wisdom is purely in-
nate, they do not think it probable that they could acquire
anymore than they already have.
For example, it is similar to a child believing that the world
consists only of his house, his classroom, his teacher, and his
toys. Obviously, it is not possible for the child to leave his little
world and see the whole world with a mature pair of eyes. That
is why all his ideals, his worries, and his activities are restricted
to his own little world. Whereas, a mature adult, observing this
child’s life, can clearly see how restricted the child’s world is.
This is because the adult possesses the experience and knowl-
edge that the world does not consist of just a house, a classroom,
and a couple of toys.
So, a similar comparison can be applied to wisdom. A person
lacking wisdom assumes that he knows the truth about every-
thing, that he is the wisest person, and lives the most wonderful