Page 13 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 13
sincere faith provides humans with wisdom. And this clear
mind, with its influence over every moment of one’s life, will
lead to the right path.
This book will define the true meaning of wisdom. "What are
the circumstances that bring about wisdom?", "Can wisdom in-
crease or decrease?", "Can there be factors that cloud reasoning?",
"If so, can they be removed?" Questions such as these and proba-
bly questions which most people will learn the real answers to
for the first time will be answered. Everyone will be reminded
once again how valuable a blessing the mind is.
Also, by drawing attention to examples of wiseness and un-
wiseness in the Qur’an, the clear distinction between the two will
be portrayed. The great rewards, given in this world and the
Hereafter, to the people of wisdom who obey the Qur’an will be
explained. And the great losses experienced by those who don’t
use their minds and have strayed away from religion will be de-
scribed: everyone will be exhorted to use his reason.
This book, as is expressed in Surat al-Muzzammil, verse 19:
"Let him who will take the right path to his Lord", aims to open
up a path for those who wish to draw near to Allah, comprehend
His greatness, live by the morals of the Qur’an, and benefit from
the blessings of our mind.