Page 12 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 12


                     he human mind is vital for our existence and, in a
                     sense, it is what makes us human beings. The ability to
            T think profound thoughts, comprehend subtle issues,
            speak with wisdom, and differentiate right from wrong can be
            accomplished only with the power of our mind. Without a
            doubt there is no one on this earth who does not know the im-
            portance of these qualities. But there is a very important reality
            that many people don’t know or fail to realize. Not everyone is
            as wise as people presume. Everyone has a certain amount of in-
            nate intelligence, but wisdom is a special capacity developed
            through specific conditions. These two notions, intelligence and
            wisdom, are usually perceived to mean the same thing by the
            general public. However, in the Qur’an the reality of the human
            status is summed up in the phrase: "most of them lack wis-
            dom". (Surat al-Ma’ida: 103)
               Most people do not use their wisdom. So what is "wisdom"?
            How can the source of wisdom be reached? Who possesses real
            wisdom? Only the Qur’an gives us the right answers to these
            questions, because the Qur’an is Allah’s word and it is the only
            source from which we can obtain absolutely accurate informa-
            tion on any topic. When we look at the Qur’an, we see that wis-
            dom is only developed through having faith.
               Anyone who turns toward Allah by listening to his con-
            science may possess this great blessing without exerting any
            physical effort. We only need to believe in Allah sincerely, fear
            Him as is proper, and lead the life our Creator wants us to. This
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