Page 16 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 16

                        TRUE WISDOM DESCRIBED IN THE QUR'AN

            development of the five senses, concentration, thought, and at-
            tention to detail are all made possible through our intelligence.
            For example, an intelligent professor can promptly comprehend
            how things function physically and formulate it. Or an intelli-
            gent person with a good memory can understand intricate and
            detailed aspects of situations. And one with practical intelli-
            gence can come up with practical and simplified solutions to the
            situations he faces.
               On the other hand, the wise man, as well as making use of
            the advantages intelligence provides, makes use of the compre-
            hension and ability an intelligent person doesn’t possess.
               An intelligent person can only accomplish things with the
            knowledge and experience he acquires by examining particular
            topics or by otherwise educating himself. But, these are abilities
            such as depend on learning, memorizing, and experience. As a
            result, he may reach an impasse at some point, unable to find so-
            lutions to problems and carry things through to a satisfactory
               On the other hand, a wise person, without former education
            or experience, can reach more appropriate and definite conclu-
            sions on any given subject, which he has in fact never previ-
            ously encountered than one who has studied that subject for
            many years. This is because, a wise person can find the most
            practical solution, even if he doesn’t have any technical knowl-
            edge on the subject. If necessary, he can even apply to the person
            with the most experience on the subject to do the job and reach a
            solution. In brief, wisdom is an ability that provides us with
            greater comprehension than intelligence, deeper understand-
            ing, ability to find the truth, and produce a solution for every
            problem. Furthermore, wisdom is a trait that gives us control of
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