Page 21 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 21
About Wisdom...
Wisdom is not something fixed. On the contrary it is an ability
that can increase and develop throughout one’s life. This charac-
teristic of wisdom is directly related to fear and awareness of
Allah and obedience to one’s conscience. In following verse
Allah commands believers to fear Him and take heed as much as
they can: "Fear Allah, with all your hearts, and be attentive,
obedient and charitable." (Surat at-Taghabun: 16) For this rea-
son, no one should see his fear of Allah as sufficient: He should
always seek ways to bring himself closer to Allah and strictly
abide by his conscience.
Allah can then increase his comprehension and his ability to
discriminate right from wrong, in relation to his sincerity and
the serious effort he makes to gain His approval. This is Allah’s
support for those who believe and an important secret of the
Qur’an. The individual can use this opportunity in the best way
possible to acquire the blessings wisdom has to offer in this
world and the Hereafter.
One who has intelligence can recognize the superiority of
someone who has wisdom and admire that person openly or se-
cretly. He tries to imitate this wise person and to achieve the
same superiority. But as he cannot appreciate that it is wisdom
that gives him this uniqueness, he searches for the solution in
the wrong place. He begins to observe this person’s behaviour,
conversations, and mannerisms and he tries to conduct himself
likewise. He may read a library-full of books, increase his
knowledge, good manners, and skills but he still cannot achieve
the admiration and respect that this person has gained. This is
because, the source of wisdom is not knowledge, skill, culture,