Page 232 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 232
Harun Yahya
lar science writing. Carl Sagan's list of the "best contemporary science-
popularizers" includes E.O. Wilson, Lewis Thomas, and Richard
Dawkins, each of whom has put unsubstantiated assertions or counter-
factual claims at the very center of the stories they have retailed in the
market. 171
Even Dawkins himself revealed that all this was put forward for
propaganda purposes by admitting that his actions were biased and
that his thesis was not a scientific one. On the first page of his book The
Extended Phenotype, he wrote:
This is a work of unabashed advocacy. I want to argue in favor of a par-
ticular way of looking at animals and plants, and a particular way of
wondering why they do the things that they do. What I am advocating is
not a new theory, not a hypothesis which can be verified or falsified, not
a model which can be judged by its predictions. 172
Since evolutionists are unwilling to admit the existence of the soul,
they regard human beings as assemblages of matter and try to ascribe
consciousness to that matter in some way. Their making such invalid
claims as ascribing consciousness to genes is an indication of the very
awkward position in which they find themselves. Today's evolution-
ists, who imagine that there is intelligence and consciousness in mole-
cules and in the inanimate atoms that comprise those molecules have
taken the place of the pagans of centuries ago who thought that there
was intelligent consciousness in their idols crafted of stone or wood.
As a result of their superstitious belief, they claim that phenome-
na such as violence, rape, sexual harassment, aggression and jealousy
have been bequeathed to human beings by their alleged animal fore-
bears, and that such behavior is a natural result of evolution. At the root
of this claim there lies the evolutionist idea that a human being is a ma-
chine made of genes, and that genes' sole aim is to evolve and survive,
as if they were conscious entities.