Page 237 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 237

Adnan Oktar


             sophisticated laboratory technology, after

             centuries of accumulated knowledge-
             came together by chance to form organs
             with vitally important responsibilities.
             Moreover, by working together in flawless
             co-ordination, these organs came from the
             human body and acquire the responsibili-
             ty of keeping it alive.
                  Not only does this Darwinist myth
             lack any scientific backing, it also violates
             logic and reason. The French scientist
             Pierre Paul Grasse, himself an evolution-

             ist, notes the predicament in which they
             find themselves: ". . . some people, owing
             to their sectarianism, purposely overlook
             reality and refuse to acknowledge the in-
             adequacies and falsity of their beliefs." 174
                  In his book How Life Began, L. R. Croft
             of England's Salford University refers to
             the way in which evolutionists underesti-
             mate their dilemma:

                  The fundamental problem-the origin of
                  life-is the cornerstone of all evolutionary
                  enquiry. Yet surprisingly, it is rarely given
                  the attention it merits. . . the nature of the
                  origin of life remained neglected. . .
                  Darwin himself was dismissive on the is-
                  sue. 175
                  Darwinists have been unable to
             prove any of the so-called evolutionary
             developments that they claim, took place
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