Page 328 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 328
Harun Yahya
Adenine: A type of base of the purine Covalent bond: A form of tight bond that
group that contributes to the structure of represents the backbone of the DNA mole-
DNA and RNA. cule and binds carbon atoms together.
Amino acid: The building block of proteins. Chromatid: One of the chromosome pairs
A large number of amino acids give rise to bonded to one another with centromeres
proteins by binding with peptide bonds. during mitosis or meiosis.
Anti-codon: A sequence of three nucleoti- Chromosome: DNA found in the cell nucle-
des in a transfer RNA molecule. Completes us, containing all information permitting
bases in the codon and is compatible with the cell to make an exact copy of itself.
the amino acids transported by transfer Cytoplasm: A living fluid that fills the
RNA. space between the cell membrane and the
Apoptosis: Programmed cell death and nucleus. It contains specialized structures
represents DNA breakdown. known as organelles that assume various
Acid: A chemical substance releasing a hy- different tasks.
drogen ion. Cytosine: A type of base that matches with
ATP: Energy packets resulting from chem- guanine and is found in the structure of
ical energy obtained from nutrients being DNA and RNA.
converted into a form capable of being DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): A molecule
used by the cell. with a double helix form that contains ge-
Autosome: A chromosome with no role in netic information and is found in the cell
the determination of gender. nucleus.
Base: One of the four chemical building Exon: A gene region in messenger RNA.
block of DNA, known as adenine, cytosine, Embryo: The first state of the living thing
guanine and thymine. that develops after the fertilization of the
Biotechnology: The general name for bio- egg.
logical techniques, especially those dealing Enzyme: Proteins produced inside the cell
with DNA and the cell. that initiate and accelerate vital functions.
Catalytic effect: The effect of a substance Ester bond: A powerful type of bond that
that permits a reaction to take place or ac- joins sugar and phosphate groups together
celerates it without undergoing any change in the DNA molecule.
itself. Eukaryotic cell: A cell with a nucleus and
Centromere: Region that divides the chro- organelles surrounded by a membrane.
mosome into two arms and facilitates the Eukaryotic cells constitute the tissues of
determination of gene location. plants and animals.
Clones: Living things that are genetically Fetus: The developing entity in the moth-
identical. er's womb, from the third month of preg-
Cloning: Making an exact copy of a living nancy until birth.
thing. Gene: A component in the DNA molecule
Codon: Triple base groups, each corre- bearing any of the organism's inherited
sponding to an amino acid on messenger characteristics.
RNA. Gene expression: The emergence of a pro-