Page 330 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 330
Harun Yahya
Nucleosome: DNA strip packaged around Recombination: The combination of exist-
the histone proteins in the chromosome. ing genes in such a way as to give rise to
Nucleus: That part of the cell containing ge- new genotypes.
netic materials. Replication: DNA self-matching; the for-
Organelle: Structure specialized in order to mation of a copy of genetic information in
perform a specific task inside the cell and the DNA molecule for transmission to sub-
surrounded by a membrane, such as the nu- sequent generations.
cleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts. Ribosomes: Places where proteins are syn-
Ph: The value showing the acidity or alka- thesized in the cell.
linity level of a liquid. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): A molecule that
Phenotype: The observable physical or bio- accelerates protein synthesis by joining the
chemical characteristics of an organism, as structure of the ribosomes.
determined by both genetic makeup and RNA (ribonucleic acid): A molecule with a
environmental influences. chemical little different from that of DNA,
Polymer: A chemical structure made up of found in cellular fluid and the nucleus. It
different molecules. plays a most important role in chemical ac-
Polymerase: An enzyme that facilitates and tivities inside the cell, especially in protein
accelerates the formation of a DNA or RNA synthesis.
molecule. Spliceosome: An enzyme that splices and
Polypeptide: Part of the amino acid chains removes those parts that do not encode pro-
in the structure of the protein molecule. teins in messenger RNA.
Prebiotic period: The period before living Thymine: A pyrimidine base found in the
things, before life emerged on Earth. structure of DNA, but not in RNA.
Prokaryotic cell: Cell surrounded by a Topoisomerase: An enzyme that permits
membrane, but lacking organelles and a nu- DNA to unravel and stretch out by separat-
cleus; organisms in the Monera Kingdom, ing one strip of the DNA helix.
which includes bacteria and algae. Transcription: RNA synthesis, the trans-
Proteins: Basic molecules containing ele- mission of genetic information in the DNA
ments such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen strip to messenger RNA.
and nitrogen in their structures. These Transfer RNA (tRNA): A molecule also
building blocks permit the formation of known as transporter RNA (tRNA) respon-
cells, tissues and organs and consist of ami- sible for carrying amino acids to the ribo-
no acids attached by peptide bonds. some during protein synthesis.
Purine: A nitrogen-containing compound Translation: The process by which genetic
with a complex structure. information copied to RNA is read and
Pyrimidine: An organic compound consti- turned into a protein molecule.
tuting the main element of certain bases (cy- Uracil: A base found only in the chemical
tosine, thymine, guanine) necessary for the structure of RNA.
synthesis of DNA and RNA. Variation: Differences observed in specific
Recombinant DNA: The structure emerg- characters depending on basic species type.
ing from the combination of DNA molecu- Zygote: Fertilized egg cell.
les obtained from different organisms.