Page 329 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 329
Adnan Oktar
tein by using inherited information; the to be broken down or which distances a
sum total of transcription and translation group from a molecule.
events. Meiosis: The form of cell division that oc-
Gene mapping: The determination of the curs in reproductive cells, permitting di-
position of genes in a DNA molecule. Such versity in living things and their acquisi-
mapping establishes the relative location of tion of different characteristics.
genes and what lies between them. Messenger RNA (mRNA): The molecule
Gene pool: The limits of variation of genet- that carries the genetic information coded
ic information within a given living spe- on DNA to the protein synthesis molecule.
cies. Micron: One-thousandth of a millimeter (1
Gene regulation: The switching on and off micron = 1/1000 mm).
of genes that permit cells to perform differ- Mitochondria: The cell's power plant.
ent functions. Mitosis: The form of cell division that ena-
Gene therapy: The implantation of healthy bles one single cell to divide and become
DNA directly into diseased cells to cure in- two new cells with the same characteris-
herited disorders. tics, thus enabling the body's cells to multi-
Genetics: The branch of science that stud- ply during growth and development.
ies inherited characteristics. Molecule: A structure consisting of two or
Genetic code: The nucleotides found in tri- more atoms.
ple groups all along messenger RNA and Monomer: The repetition of the same
which determine the sequences of the ami- structure in a chemical molecule.
no acids manufactured during protein syn- Morphogenesis: Differentiation of a cell
thesis. whose protein is manufactured.
Genome: The total of the genetic codes in Mutant: A living thing with a change (mu-
an organism's chromosomes. tation) in its DNA.
Genome project: Research aimed towards Mutation: Breakages and changes of loca-
determining and mapping the sequence of tion arising in the DNA molecule that car-
the genetic codes in human beings or other ries genetic information as a result of radi-
living things. ation or chemical effects. These lead to per-
Genotype: All of an individual's inherited manent diseases in living things by damag-
characteristics. ing the nucleotides that comprise DNA, or
Guanine: A purine base contributing to the by changing their places.
structure of DNA and RNA. Nuclease: The general name for the en-
Helicase: The enzyme that opens up the zyme group that divides and severs nucle-
DNA helix like a zipper during DNA copy- ic acids.
ing. Nucleic acid: Compounds with a complex
Hydrogen bond: An extremely weak type structure made up of combinations of nu-
of bond that is easily separated and that cleotides found in the cell nucleus.
binds together nucleotides in DNA. Nucleotide: The basic structural units of
Histone: Proteins that surround the DNA nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). A single
helix in the cell nucleus. DNA strip made up of two sugar, one pur-
Intron: Sections of genes that do not en- ine and one pyrimidine base.
code proteins. Nucleoside: A nucleotide not bonded to
Ligase: An enzyme that enables a molecule phosphate.