Page 24 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 24
Signs of Jesus’ (pbuh)
Second Coming
hand him over to the Romans.
According to the same sources, the
priests did not have the power to sen-
tence someone to death and so had to
make another plan to agitate the
Roman regime. Thus, they portrayed
Jesus as being hostile to the Roman
leadership, for the Romans were
highly sensitive and ruthless when
confronted with dissidents. But these
priests failed, for the Qur'an relates:
They [unbelievers] planned and
God planned. But God is the best
of planners. (Surah Al ‘Imran,
As the verses reveal, they plot-
ted and moved to kill Jesus.
However, their plot failed and they
ended up killing a look-alike. During
this event, God raised Jesus up to His
And [on account of] their saying:
"We killed the Messiah, Jesus
son of Mary, Messenger of God."
They did not kill him and they
did not crucify him, but it was
made to seem so to them. Those
who argue about him are in
doubt about it. They have no real
knowledge of it, just conjecture.
But they certainly did not kill
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