Page 20 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 20
Signs of Jesus’ (pbuh)
Second Coming
protest – all have fostered a sense of general collapse, a wholesale disin-
tegration of values. Society feels itself 'held to ransom'… And, disillu-
sioned by materialism's failure to answer the question, we seek, as in
Jesus's time, a response in another dimension – a spiritual one. 1
The authors add the following:
As in Jesus's time, we live, quite palpably, in the shadow of an impend-
ing apocalyptic event… We are all helpless hostages to a reality we no
longer fully control… And beneath the general anxiety, the maddening
sense of impotence, the disillusionment with inept or irresponsible
politicians, there is a profound longing for a genuine spiritual leader…
who will understand, will take charge and – without of course violating
established democratic freedoms – assume the role of guide, conferring
meaning once again on lives which have grown increasingly empty. 2
These authors, who make this important social analysis, arrive at
a conclusion for the twenty-first century: The return of Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) is also being prepared for in the sociological sense.
And yet our age appears determined to embrace on another form of
Messianic myth in order to obtain a sense of meaning. 3
It is no coincidence that this sociological infrastructure has been
established at a time when the signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second
coming appear one after another. The hadith literature provides us
with a detailed account of these signs. In addition, the signs of this
event as revealed in the New Testament have parallels with those
stated in the hadiths. The great majority of these signs have come true
in our day, one after other and within the same period. That so many
signs have come true in such a manner indicate the closeness of Jesus'
second coming. While reading this book, you will also begin to realize
this fact.
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