Page 18 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 18
Signs of Jesus’ (pbuh)
Second Coming
upon him). His return to Earth, a belief held
by both Christians and Muslims, will end this
world's all-pervasive cruelty and injustice and transform it
into a place of peace, abundance, and justice.
According to the Qur'an, approximately 2,000 years ago
God thwarted the unbelievers' plots to murder Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) by raising him up to Himself. The Qur'an and the related
hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Mohammed (may God bless him
and grant him peace) tell us that he will come back to Earth again
in the End Times, the times preceding the Day of Judgment.
In this book, we will examine the signs of Prophet Jesus'
(pbuh) second coming from the Islamic sources and how the
signs that they provide have come true one by one. People wit-
nessing these signs may, by God's Will, hope that his return is
But before this, we need to emphasize that the world is also
getting sociologically prepared for such a great event. As we
mentioned earlier, the chain of events through which humanity
has passed during the last two centuries has, both covertly and
overtly, raised the expectation of a savior in the minds of people
all over the world. People have increasingly seen that materialis-
tic ideologies and lifestyles cannot save humanity; rather, they
lead humanity closer to disaster and emptiness. This situation
has caused many people to turn to the morality of religion.
Meanwhile, some secular researchers, scholars, or histori-
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