Page 17 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 17
world of peace and security in
which abundance will replace poverty
and justice will prevail instead of cru-
elty, conflict, and tension – this is the
longing of humanity. Due to all of the
twentieth century's misery and pain, not to mention the
ongoing problems all over the world today, this longing
has become even more intense. A great majority of people
desperately hope for a helping hand and wait for a savior
who will save them from this misery, a person who will
eliminate the negativite elements of the current system;
ensure justice, peace, and security; and guide people to the
truth and all that is good.
Everyone is waiting for this salvation: the needy who
wait for an extended hand; the well-off who are in pain be-
cause of spiritual distress; and those who long for justice,
order, peace, and moral excellence. By God's Will, this
event may be very near. The developments that we see all
around us today are the signs indicating the closeness
of this salvation.
The great event that will be a means of
humanity's salvation is the second com-
ing of Prophet Jesus (peace be