Page 19 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 19


                         ans who analyze these developments also
                        think that the world is searching for a Messiah
                 and that this pursuit will deliver substantial results. For in-
                stance, Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, the
                British researchers who have received worldwide attention
                with their book Holy Blood, Holy Grail (Dell: 1983), wrote another
                book, The Messianic Legacy (Dell: 1989), in which they examined
                Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and this expectation. In their book, they
                make the following comment:
                     Different as our modern world may be from the world of two
                     thousand years ago, it is astonishing how much our own epoch
                     has in common with what Jesus and his contemporaries regarded
                     as the Last Times. We may, today, be technologically more adept
                     and endowed with considerably more knowledge. But, regret-
                     tably, we do not appear to be any wiser, any more intelligent…
                     We are once again living through an acute crisis of meaning, an
                     uncertainty about our direction and our goals. The various sys-
                     tems, programmes and ideologies which, less than a century ago,
                     seemed to promise so much have all, to one degree or another,
                     proved hollow. As in Jesus's time, there is a pervasive awareness
                     that something is disastrously wrong. Each new terrorist outrage,
                     each new air crash, each new natural disaster produces a frisson
                     of panic. The profound and rapid changes in our civilisation, the
                     dissatisfaction with our systems of government, the increase use
                     of indiscriminate murder and terrorism as a means of political

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