Page 33 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 33

God’s Promise:
                                  Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Will Return

                    Jacob? (Surat al-Baqara, 2:133)

                       In another verse, the verbs qatala (in the passive
              form qutila) and maata are used together:
                  Mohammed is only a Messenger, and he has
                  been preceded by other Messengers. If he
                  were to die [maata] or be killed [qutila],
                  would you turn on your heels? (Surah Al
                  ‘Imran, 3:144)
                  Other forms of the verb are used in other
              verses to denote the death of Prophets:

                  She exclaimed: "Oh if only I had died [mittu]
                  before this time and was something discarded
                  and forgotten!" (Surah Maryam, 19:23)
                  We did not give any human being before you
                  immortality [khuld]. And if you die [mitta],
                  will they then be immortal? (Surat al-Anbiya’,
                  21: 34)

                  "He Who will cause my death [yumeetunee],
                  then give me life." (Surat ash-Shu‘ara’, 26: 81)

                         5) Khalid: Immortal
                  The word khalid means immortality, perma-
              nence, and continued existence, as in the following

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