Page 36 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 36
Signs of Jesus’ (pbuh)
Second Coming
people who follow you above those who are unbelievers until the
Day of Resurrection. Then you will all return to Me, and I will judge
between you regarding the things about which you differed. (Surah
Al ‘Imran, 3:55)
God mentions that a group of Jesus' true followers will dominate
the unbelievers until the Day of Resurrection. Jesus did not have many
followers during his tenure on Earth and, with his ascension, the reli-
gion that he had brought degenerated rapidly. Over the next two cen-
turies, those who believed in Jesus were oppressed because they had no
political power. Therefore, we cannot say that the early Christians dom-
inated the unbelievers in the sense indicated by the verse given above.
At present, Christianity is so far removed from its original state that
it no longer resembles the religion taught by Jesus. Christians have
adopted the mistaken belief that Jesus is God's son (surely God is be-
yond all that which they falsely ascribe to Him) and incorporated the
Trinity (viz., the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) into their religion centuries
ago. Given this, we cannot acknowledge today's Christians as being true
followers of Jesus. In the Qur'an, God states more than once that those
who believe in the Trinity are, in fact, unbelievers:
Those who say that the Messiah, son of Mary, is the third of three are
unbelievers. There is no god but the One God. (Surat al-Ma’ida,
In this case, "And I will place the people who follow you above
those who are unbelievers until the Day of Resurrection" carries a
clear message: There has to be a group of Jesus' followers who will
exist until the Last Day. Such a group will emerge after his second
coming, and those who follow him at that time will dominate the un-
believers until the Last Day.
This aside, the expression, "Then you will all return to Me" at
the verse's end is striking. After relating that those who follow
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will be superior to the unbelievers, God states
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