Page 103 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 103
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
Neanderthal to whom it belonged had a kind of joint infection. Healthy
individuals were in fact able to walk just like normal human beings.
In 1985, the same skeleton was examined by the anthropologist
Erik Trinkhaus. That examination confirmed that Neanderthals
walked upright and revealed another fact that had hitherto remained
hidden: Marcellin Boule had deliberately portrayed Neanderthal as be-
ing stooped. The joint disorder identified in the 1950s was no obstacle
to the individual walking upright. It appeared that the Darwinist Boule
was unwilling to admit that the Neanderthal walked like a normal hu-
man being.
E. Trinkaus and W. W. Howells made the following statement in
Scientific American magazine:
Today most scientists agree that Neanderthal Man stood fully upright
and that in the absence of disease, its features are no different than mod-
ern humans. 49
Meanwhile, the size of the Neanderthal skull also forced evolu-
tionists into inconsistency. The reason was that
Neanderthals had a skull volume of around 1700 cc;
this is 200 cc more than the volume of today’s human
beings. The fact that Neanderthals, supposedly a
For years, Neanderthals were depicted in false illustrations as supposed
primitive ape-men. But science has shown that the Neanderthals are an
extinct human race, and essentially no different to people living today.