Page 107 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 107
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
The Fake
Piltdown Man Skull
The Piltdown Man is an infamous hoax, as-
sembled by adding a human skull to the jaw
of a recently deceased orangutan. This hoax
fossil was displayed for some 40 years in the
British Museum as proof of the supposed
evolution of man. When the fraud was ex-
posed, in 1949, it was hurriedly removed
from both the museum and the scientific lit-
erature. However, this fossil has been im-
mortalized in the history books as a source
of enormous shame for Darwinists.
ment in a depression near Piltdown, England. Although the jaw bone
resembled an ape jaw, the teeth and skull resembled those of a human
being. The fossils were given the name “Piltdown Man,” dated at
500,000 years old, and put on display in the British Museum as the most
significant evidence of so-called human evolution. A great many scien-
tific papers, analyses and illustrations were produced over the next 40
years. Some 500 academics from different universities wrote doctoral
theses about Piltdown Man. 53