Page 135 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 135
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
fledged alternative to Christianity, with
meaning and morality... Evolution is a re-
ligion. This was true of evolution in the be-
ginning, and it is true of evolution still to-
day. 88
The American astronomer,
physicist and cosmologist Robert
Jastrow says this about the way
Darwinists are so blindly devoted to
Perhaps the appearance of life on the
Earth is a miracle. Scientists are reluctant
to accept that view but their choices are
limited. Either life was created on the
Earth by the will of a being outside the
grasp of scientific understanding, or it
evolved on our planet spontaneously,
through chemical reactions occurring in
nonliving matter lying on the surface of
the planet. The first theory places the
question of the origin of life beyond the reach of scientific inquiry. It is a
statement of faith in the power of a supreme being not subject to the laws
of science. The second theory is also an act of faith. The act consists in as-
suming that the scientific view of the origin of life is correct, without hav-
ing concrete evidence to support that belief. 89
As Robert Jastrow eloquently states in these lines, Darwinism is
taken as a belief system, but the belief in question is a superstitious one,
unsupported by any scientific evidence. Materialist thought makes a
grave error and utters a terrible lie when it regards the only scientific al-
ternative to Darwinism, the fact of Creation, as unscientific. Creation is
the reality to which science points. Scientific findings have time and time
again confirmed the fact that all of life is the work of a sublime and