Page 138 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 138
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
ines, in his own eyes, that he has no responsibilities toward Allah, and
who does not believe in the Hereafter, can ruthlessly oppress others,
can regard all kinds of evil as legitimate in his quest for power, can be
selfish and incite wars as he regards these as a means to progress, can
eliminate vast masses of people or totally annihilate people of different
ethnic origins. Young people, many still of high school age, have no
hesitation about stating how Darwinist logic poisoned their minds as
they took guns to their schools and slaughtered scores of people. They
do not conceal the fact that they regard other people as animals, need-
ing to be “weeded out.” That is the kind of destructive and savage be-
lief that the superstitious religion that is Darwinism represents.
Therefore, when examining the superstitious religion of
Darwinism and its deceit which encompasses the whole world, these
facts shouldn’t be forgotten.
It should be taken into consideration that the methods which
Darwinists use when deceiving the world are not related to science or
any scientific theory whatsoever.
It shouldn’t be forgotten that the religion of Darwinism has been
taken from Malthus’s ideas which defend mass starvation, epidemics
and wars as a form of population planning; it is the basis of the eugen-
ics ideal, which anticipates to kill all the sick and disabled people; it
forms the basic foundation of all the communist and fascist dictator-
ships which dragged vast masses of people toward death, caused the
deaths of tens of millions of people in the First and Second World
Wars, and it is the only source which feeds the ongoing scourge of ter-
rorism throughout the whole world.
It must be kept constantly in mind that the starting point of all ex-
isting disorder, actions carried out against religious morality by com-
munist and fascist movements, mindless attacks, senseless killings and
The Darwinist philosophy that has spread oppression across the world
for many years is still a threat. The current suffering will only come to an
end with the complete elimination of the Darwinist ideological system.