Page 140 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 140
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
In a message posted on the YouTube web site prior to the massacre, the 18-year-
old Pekka-Eric Auvinen, who slaughtered seven students and a teacher on
November 1 , 2007, before killing himself, described himself as an antisocial so-
cial Darwinist and went on to say: "I am an anarchist who believes only in nat-
ural selection. People must again start applying natural selection. Animals live
in that way, so why should human beings not? At the end of the day, we are sim-
ply animals. We human beings are the worst animals on Earth... That is where
there must be [natural selection]. The earlier, the better. ... The law is simply the
ideas of the strong... You must therefore take control of your life and become an
anarchist... The weak must die, while the strong survive. That is natural selec-
tion, the survival of the fittest. Animals constantly die. You never see a dog cry-
ing over having killed another dog. Human beings also die. The reaction must
be the same. This is simply a natural thing, not a great or important one. I am not
the law and the judge. I have no authority. I am ready to fight and die for my
aim. Since I do not regard
natural selection as suffi-
cient, I will eliminate the
disgraces of mankind, the
failures of natural selec-
tion... I am different, I have
evolved a stage further."
(From Pecca-Eric Auvinen's
video "My Philosophy")