Page 145 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 145
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
We can understand the most explicit definition of Darwinian de-
ception techniques from the words of Joseph Goebbels, Minister of
Propaganda for one of the 20 Century's most brutal dictators, Adolf
Hitler. He was a Darwinist who carried out massacres inspired by
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually
come to believe it. 90
This is the method which Darwinism uses for misleading people.
Darwinism’s lie has been told with a dogmatic sincerity so loudly and
so often that without inquiring or investigating many people in the
world thought that the theory of evolution was true.
In addition although deceiving the masses on this issue is made by
very clear, very public methods, nobody has been doubtful about those
scientists who defend this lie, inclusion of this lie in science journals,
and being taught in schools by placing it into the curriculum.
These scientists came up with the lie that "the proteins coinciden-
tally occurred in muddy water", and explained it again and again quite
loudly, along with their supporters, almost like a scientific fact.
They repeated these tales insistently to the people, who are un-
aware that the probability of a single protein occurring by chance is ze-
ro, and deceived them by creating almost a spell-like effect.
Darwinist scientists who defend the lie that “there are numerous
transitional fossils” gave such a suggestion to the people who don’t