Page 148 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 148

Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System

               if those who are in opposition to Darwinism are not kept silent by
               methods of compulsion and intimidation, and if scientific proofs are
               not carefully concealed, the single and absolute fact of "Allah has creat-
               ed all things" will come to dominate humanity and materialism will
               disappear. That's the reason why Darwinists have defended the lie of
               evolution so loudly and insistently for years. Jonathan Wells makes this
               clear in the explanation below about this subject:

                   ... It’s not evidence that makes Darwinism a “fact”, but materialistic phi-
                   losophy. In 1997, Harvard geneticist Richard C. Lewontin recounted how
                   he and Carl Sagan had once defended Darwinism in a debate, then he ex-
                   plained: “We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of
                   some of its contradictions… because we have a prior commitment, a com-
                   mitment to materialism.." 91
                   If attention is paid to the words of Lewontin, an important
               Darwinist obsession is revealed once again. Lewontin claims that "they
               had to defend evolution as they were on the side of science". However,
               when scientific facts are evaluated with a sincere and unprejudiced
               point of view, it is impossible for a person to defend Darwinism who
               claims that he is on the side of science. As usual, Darwinists lie and be-
               have with the dogmatic attitude of "science equals to Darwinism", and
               thereby engrave this lie in people's subconscious.
                   Darwinists thought that this deceit would always continue. But
               the existing situation is not what they had thought or expected. The

               materialist philosophy is in a state of collapse. The lies, hoaxes, and
               subterfuge of the Darwinists were revealed one after another. People
               started to realize how they were forced to believe blindly in a false re-
                   Swedish embryologist Soren Lovtrup expressed the lie of
               Darwinism with these words:
                   I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked as the greatest
                   deceit in the history of science. When this happens many people will pose
                   the question: How did this ever happen? 92

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