Page 146 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 146
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
know the truth of fossil records that for many years, people thought
that evolution was supported by a countless number of fossils.
Moreover, under the influence of this strange indoctrination, peo-
ple believed the lie that they evolved from apes, studied this at schools,
and thought that their ancestors were strange-looking, hairy, ape-like
One of the most basic reasons for this is:
Until the deciphering of Darwinist lies, people generally went
along with the misconceptions of “Scientists tell the truth.”, “We can
not understand the issues of science, it is necessary to believe what sci-
entists say.”, and people tended to believe what scientists said, and this
ultimately established a distorted belief system.
When the established system is anchored to this false assumption,
the invalidity of evolution becomes a position that is no longer open to
This is an important and a surprising fact: Darwinist scientists
have been deceiving people since the time of Darwin.
This system based on the delusion “Scientists tell the truth, what
they say is indisputable.” has led people to believe a lie, even live their
whole lives according to these lies.
Such a massive game was played that scientific facts were hidden
from people, lies and the falsehoods used in their place, and, data was
distorted to make it fit to the lie of evolution
If the data does not match the lie of evolution, it was either con-
cealed or destroyed.
People are conditioned to
believe in these imaginary
entities, as if they were real.