Page 154 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 154

Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System

               into the Darwinist trap have these tendencies, and thus accept
               Darwinism, even if they don't see any scientific proof or reasonableness
               in the theory. For this reason, simple though illogical explanations on
               the part of the Darwinists over the last 150 years have deceived innu-
               merable people, and brought a good part of the world under the sway
               of the system of the dajjal.
                   A good example on this subject is a book for children entitled, The
               Wonderful Egg. A story with a highly illogical outcome is told in this
               book. A mother dinosaur leaves her nest of eggs unattended for a brief
               while, and interestingly, the “first bird” hatches out of one the eggs.
               The “bird” born from a mother dinosaur grows up over the course of

               the story, and miraculously has wings and feathers; in time, it starts to
               fly to the branches of a tree. However, the most interesting (and per-
               haps tragic) part of this book is not in the story itself. Rather, it is that
               this book, which proposes a stunning absurdity, was supported and
               recommended by the American Association for the Advancement of
               Science, the American Council on Education, and the Association for
               Childhood Education International. 95
                                                That any scientist could come up
                                                with such an outlandish idea bog-
                                                   gles the imagination. Every
                                                    schoolchild knows that birds
                                                    have an anatomical structure
                                                    which supports flight, with
                                                    appropriate organs, feathers,
                                                     wings, a specialized respira-
                                                     tory system, and that birds
                                                      absolutely did not come out
                                                     of reptile eggs. Yet the adher-

               Darwinists frequently use the press for their propaganda and
               seek to deceive readers with visual conditioning.

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